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Yes, our demo session is absolutely free! Simply fill in the details in the form, then our HRMS Specialist will contact you within 24 hours to schedule this demo session.
Yes, you can send your employees to attend our E-training sessions to make sure they are familiar with using our modules after you sign up for our system.
Yes. Each HR software module in AGHRMS is fully-integrated with one another e.g. our HR Payroll software module is linked to HR Attendance, Claims, Appraisal & other modules. This is to achieve Self-service HR with easy itemized payslip, EA, leave management, etc.
Our demo sessions are conducted online, using Google Meet.
Our demo usually consists of all human resource management software modules: Payroll – including ad-hoc salary calculations, tax filing for LHDN compliance, Claims & Leave Management, Appraisal, e-attendance etc.
If you’re HR professionals / business owners / finance or general managers who are looking to achieve easier HR workflows, improve efficiency & manage payroll with automatic statutory forms generation for monthly/yearly submission, then we absolutely encourage you to register.
Yes, our Cloud HRMS is fully compliant with the latest Malaysia statutory laws & table rates, so that you can avoid inaccuracies & expedite submissions, with full 100% compliance.
The fee depends on the number of employees in the company. Feel free to fill up the details on the above form in order for us to quote you with the best price which fit your requirements including free demo session.